Our roles as parents change with immigration?

When we immigrate, do our roles as parents change?

Immigration disrupts the lives of all immigrants. What were our roles as parents and what happened to them after the change of country? As adults, it is important to teach our children elements of the host society, but also to pass on to them the heritage of their culture of origin. How do parents and children find their way around? 

Participate in this workshop to reflect with us on these complex points and to discover the role of the Direction of Youth Protection (DYP).

This workshop will be offered by Tamara Momcilovic, school liaison officer at PROMIS.


In person only.

This workshop is free and offered in English.

To register, click here.


Mercredi 21 février 2024


18h30 - 20h00



More Info



PROMIS immigration
3333 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal

Résidence Maria-Goretti

Service d’hébergement de 220 chambres destinées aux femmes de 18 ans et + actives sur le marché du travail ou aux études.

Notre infolettre vous offre d’astucieux conseils et vous tient à jour sur les dernières nouvelles relatives à l’immigration.

Vous avez une question?

Posez-la ici. Un conseiller vous répondra sous peu!

    Ou bien alors, appelez-nous!

    PROMIS: (514) 345-1615
    Résidence Maria-Goretti: (514) 731-1161
    Lun - Ven : 9h à 17h