Welcome and integration

Helping immigrants get established is our “why”

Need help taking the first steps towards integration? Want to feel at home in Quebec? Our team will adapt its services to your unique situation with personalized short-, medium-, or long-term support.

Giving new immigrants in Quebec a warm welcome

At PROMIS, we offer a range of personalized services to facilitate your integration journey.

Our support services include:

  • Evaluating your needs to allow you to better  navigate the social, cultural, linguistic and economic aspects of life in Quebec
  • Creating an individual action plan for the short and medium term to simplify the integration process.
  • Pointing you towards community services in Quebec including housing, health, the school system, work, diploma accreditation, French courses, etc.
  • Helping you obtain your immigration documents including permanent residency, work permits, study permits, sponsorship, etc.

No matter which services you need to build a thriving life in Quebec, you’ll find it all at PROMIS.

The help hub

Accessing all of the integration services you need under one roof is a huge advantage for newcomers. 

  • Be better informed about the steps that lie ahead
  • Receive continuous support throughout every step of your integration journey
  • Benefit from 35 years of experience helping immigrants establish their lives in Quebec
  • Participate in group workshops to understand everything about Quebec, from taxes to housing and your driver’s license

    Tap into an immersive cultural integration experience that will help you understand and enjoy your new home.

Book an appointment

Schedule a meeting with one of our advisors to discover our immigrant-facing services.

Integrate through events

There are so many things to learn and know about Quebec. We offer a wide range of activities that will help you better understand your new home.


March 13, 2025

Augmentation du loyer

Jeudi le 13 mars, de 15h à 16h30 La conférence vous donnera des outils pour connaitre vos droits quand vous allez recevoir le renouvellement de votre bail. Elle vise à vous tenir informé, également vous aurais …


March 20, 2025

L’apprentissage par le jeu

Jeudi le 20 mars, de 13h15 à 14h30 Le développement de l’enfant par le jeu sur 4 grandes sphères : motrice, cognitive, langagière et sociale et affective. Animateur ou conférencier : Estelle Comtois, psychoéducatrice CIUSSS Centre-Ouest L’activité est …


March 21, 2025

L’importance du testament et du mandat de protection

Vendredi le 21 mars, de 16h à 17h30 La conférence vous donnera des outils en matière juridique, vous allez découvrir l’importance d’avoir fait un testament avant de partir. Également, elle parlera du mandat de protection en …

Get inspired by success stories

We have helped thousands of immigrants to Quebec get settled into their new lives. Here’s what they have to say about our services.

“I’m a totally changed woman. You helped me when I arrived here. Now, it’s my turn to help you. Without you, it would have been very difficult to set up my life in Quebec.”

– Refugee from Kosovo

Our team helps immigrants get established

We’re a compassionate team that understands and can accommodate your situation. We’re here for you.

Juan-José Fernandez

Social Integration Counselor and Team Leader

Myrna Zogheib

Social Integration Counselor

Shazen Mumtaz

Social Integration Counselor

Ximena Moncayo

Social Integration Counselor