Thanks to the collaboration and referrals of partner schools, the academic support service allows students ages 6 to 12 to benefit from positive learning experiences, enhance their self-esteem, and increase their autonomy.

With the help of a tutor throughout the year and a fun, personalized approach, students will be better equipped to complete their schoolwork at home.

Interested in becoming a volunteer tutor for the academic support service?

View the academic support pamphlet for more information!

By filling out the form below, you can also participate in training new volunteers on Thursday, October 4, at 5:00 p.m. The training will be held at PROMIS.

Fill out the following form and let us know what interests you!


    Thank you for your interest!

    Learn about the academic support services

    Maria-Goretti Residence

    Lodging service with 220 rooms for women 18+ who are actively seeking employment or pursuing their studies.

    Our monthly newsletter is full of helpful advice, and will keep you up-to-date on all the latest immigration-related news.

    Have a question?

    Ask it here. An advisor will answer you shortly.

      Or call us!

      PROMIS: (514) 345-1615
      Maria-Goretti Residence : (514) 731-1161
      Mon - Fri: 9am to 5pm