Food action

Healthy food for immigrants in Quebec

At PROMIS, we believe that everyone can eat well, choose the right food, and enjoy cooking.

Activities and workshops for wholesome nutrition

Here’s how we’ll help you eat healthy:

  • Community kitchen
  • Urban agriculture in our community garden
  • Nutrition and tasting workshops
  • Harvest celebration
  • Lunchbox prep workshops for children

In addition to teaching you about nutrition, we can also direct you towards other PROMIS services as needed, including employment assistance and French courses.

Flavourful fun for the whole family

Everyone wins when you and your children participate in our culinary activities.

  • Get your kids excited about cooking
  • Get curious about new flavours and learn how to prepare new foods
  • Make healthy, balanced choices at the grocery store by following our nutritionist’s advice
  • Learn how to grow fruits and vegetables by joining our community garden
  • Become a more independent cook

A well-stocked event calendar

No matter the time of year, PROMIS offers events that will help you and your children eat well.

No upcoming activities

Our food security team

Our nutrition experts will help you make healthy and tasty food choices.

Zineb Qannousse

Food Security Counselor